Jumble Cartoonist...
In 2008 Jeff Knurek became only the third artist to draw the Jumble cartoon in the puzzle's almost 64 year history. His cartoons are seen in over 600 newspapers in the US and beyond. Jeff brings his unique sense of humor and style to the illustrated pun each day. For the keen eye, Jeff reveals much about his life, likes, family and friends in many of his cartoons. Jeff took over the art duties when the great Henri Arnold retired.
Jumble is a feature of the Tribune Content Agency--a leading provider of premium licensed content to publishers (http://www.tribunecontentagency.com/syndication/). The Jumble puzzle appears in more than 600 newspapers across the country, as well as many English-language papers in other parts of the world. The puzzles can also be found at www.jumble.com, and on the fan Facebook page at www.facebook.com/jumble.